Monday, October 20, 2008

Black Holes of the Universe

If you are into science and space one phenomenon that is absolutely incredible and intriguing are black holes. While black holes are widely portrayed in science fiction TV shows, movies and books they are still relatively unknown to scientists and astronomers. These incredible forces of nature are located at the far reaches of the universe and with new technology we are just beginning to crack the surface of how these phenomenons behave.

Black Holes
Black holes are some of the most powerful forces in nature. Once a star like our sun, when this star runs out of fuel to burn, it basically implodes onto itself and becomes extremely dense. As the density of this star increases exponentially, the gravitational force becomes extremely strong- so strong in fact that not even light can escape a black hole's grasp and thus a black hole seems like a giant void from a distance.

Where are Black Holes Located?
The idea and theory of black holes came about in the late 1700’s and as technology developed more and more research has been done. Today, we know of many black holes in the universe, however it wasn’t till recently that a black hole in our very galaxy (the Milky Way) was found.

Read More About Black Holes
The Smithsonian Magazine offers an article regarding black holes for all science, space and sci-fi enthusiasts. To read it, please visit our main website at:

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